
En Buy and Sell, at the best price, with the best commissions.

Who we are Aekgs is a classified ads and marketplace company. Our site offers publishing services for Properties, Vehicles, Services, Goods and Products in general online.

We are available in Latin America, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and the United States.
The growing demand in the retail market and competition make Aekgs become a more available player in the market, in which we believe that having commissions with reasonable costs and publications in the same way, enable any seller to be profitable in their activity without that the costs of completing the sale are an impediment to trading. This is one of the keys to Aekgs.

Aekgs objectives
Aekgs not only seeks to be an intermediary in Merchants’ operations, but also seeks to help them complete in many of the ways we have available. These are not only the ones known to everyone, but we have a Goods Consignment program, an Income Generation program, and a program to connect Sellers with Suppliers, to help make it easier for every seller to sell.

Aekgs Mission
Our goal is to offer a different service to the sites that are currently available, allowing the experience of being able to publish for free and with low commissions even on new products.

Aekgs Vision
Our future vision is to become a benchmark in advertising sites, allowing accessibility to all users, offering the possibility of being free and with low commissions, keeping these options available over time.

Aekgs Commitment
We invite you to Register with Aekgs and live the experience of a very simple way of Buying and Selling with us. We will strive to provide the best service and improve every day in this commitment we have to the entire business community to which we love and belong.

Find what you are looking for at Aekgs.
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